Bootstrap Select / Selectpicker Field Type for Datatables Editor

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Here is example for the Boostrap select field type, You can aslo say selectpicker. We assume you have already installed datatables and its editor. If not , you can download or get more details about datatables and editor from following url.

You will require bootstrap select/selectpicker for this plugin/field type. You can download js/css for bootstrap select/selectpicker from following url
 (function ($, DataTable) { 
      if (!DataTable.ext.editorFields) {
         DataTable.ext.editorFields = {};
      var _fieldTypes = DataTable.Editor?DataTable.Editor.fieldTypes:DataTable.ext.editorFields;        
     _fieldTypes.bootstrap_select = {
          _addOptions: function (conf, options) {
              var elOpts = conf._input[0].options;                       
              elOpts.length = 0; 
            if (options) { 
                 DataTable.Editor.pairs(options, conf.optionsPair, function (val, label, i) {        
                   elOpts[i] = new Option(label, val);
         create: function (conf) {
              var editor = this;
              conf._input =   $('<select/>').attr(  
                    multiple: conf.multiple === true},
                    conf.attr || {}));
               if (conf.placeholder !== undefined) {                           
                     conf._input.attr('title', conf.placeholder);
              _fieldTypes.bootstrap_select._addOptions(conf, conf.options || conf.ipOpts);
              // On open, need to have the instance update now that it is in the DOM
             editor.on('open.bootstrap-select' + DataTable.Editor.safeId(, function () {
                 conf._input.selectpicker($.extend({}, conf.opts,                        { 
                        //Default options
                    width: '100%',
             return conf._input[0];
         update: function (conf, options) {                           
               _fieldTypes.bootstrap_select._addOptions(conf, options);
         get: function (conf) {
                var val = conf._input.val();
                return conf._input.prop('multiple') && val === null?[]:val;              
         set: function (conf, val) {
         enable: function (conf) {
             $(conf._input).prop('disabled', false);               
        disable: function (conf) {
             $(conf._input).prop('disabled', true);                 

Bootstrap Select / Selectpicker Field Type for Datatables Editor Example

editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
       ajax: {
         url: "URL",
         type: "POST"
       table: "#tableid", 
           "label": "Field Label",
           "name": "dbfieldname",
           "type": "bootstrap_select",
           "multiple": true,
            // You can set options for select2 as below
            opts : {

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